
Clean Transportation Prizes – Electrification Overview

General Webinar , USA

In this webinar, you will hear from industry experts and stakeholders as NYSERDA launches three prize competitions, with up to $85 million in grand prizes, for clean transportation solutions in New York State. Speakers [...]

VERGE Electrify

General Webinar , USA

VERGE Electrify convenes more than 5,000 stakeholders from industry, sustainability and policy required for swift and mass electrification.

Medium and Heavy-Duty: Fleets Paving the Way to Electrification

General Webinar , USA

Join Veloz for a dynamic discussion about the important role electrified medium and heavy duty fleets play in the path to total transportation electrification. From charging considerations to the delivery of goods/people, this webinar [...]

Updates on the TCI-P Regional Policy Process

General Webinar , USA

Officials from jurisdictions participating in the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) will host a public webinar to provide updates informed by the recommendations and feedback received from hundreds of individuals and organizations since March 1.

Columbus Smart City Challenge Community Information Session 1

General Webinar , USA

Join Smart Columbus for a community webinar to learn about the key outcomes from the U.S. Department of Transportation grant program and how Smart Columbus will continue to advance prosperity in our region in the future.