
Fact Check: Get the Truth About Clean Cars Minnesota

General Webinar , USA

Minnesota is poised to pass Clean Cars Minnesota, a set of standards that would reduce climate change-causing air pollution and increase customer choices – but what do “clean car standards” really mean? Due in [...]

EV Hub Live Episode #2: COVID-19 Hits U.S. EV Market in Q2

Microsoft Teams

U.S. passenger EV sales were down 44 percent in Q2 compared to 2019. COVID-19 was part of the problem as many automakers remained shuttered in April and face delayed production timelines for existing and [...]

Webinar: Clean Transportation For All: Renewable Hydrogen Infrastructure

General Webinar , USA

As the market expands for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) so does the need for comprehensive hydrogen fueling infrastructure. Join Forth and the Renewable Hydrogen Alliance in the discussion of demonstration projects that highlight renewable hydrogen [...]

The Future of E-Mobility and Electric Vehicles with Black & LatinX communities

General Webinar , USA

The automotive industry is investing billions into transportation electrification. This important dialogue will dive into the transition to an equitable and beneficial electric, zero-emissions future. Panelist will provide insights into empowering and educating diverse [...]

Webinar: Smart Charging and Real-World Applications

General Webinar , USA

Smart charging allows the control of vehicle charging by adjusting charging speeds up, down, or even off to correlate with the needs of the grid. Smart charging can be a powerful resource to provide [...]

2020 Drive Electric Awards Virtual Reception

General Webinar , USA

Plug In America is holding a free virtual event next Tuesday at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT, honoring the winners of the 2020 Drive Electric Awards. You can find more information and RSVP at [...]