Through the Open Vehicle Registration Initiative, Atlas works with states directly to make data on electric vehicle registrations publicly accessible. This page contains the data from states participating in the initiative in some form. If you’re interested in learning more, send an email to

“We participate in this effort because we believe easy access to vehicle registration is essential to our program design and evaluation.”

Adam Ruder, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

We are guided by the following principles in an effort to make vehicle registration data more accessible to the public policy community:

  • Public policy professionals should have access to vehicle registration data in a way that protects privacy and enables effective public policies and programs.
  • Accurate: If individual vehicle registration data is unavailable, then registrations should be aggregated to the ZIP code level per month in a way that the vehicle make, model, and fuel type can be determined.
  • Accessible: Vehicle registration datasets should be downloadable in a common format on a publicly accessible website.
  • Timely: Datasets should be updated on as frequent a basis as possible, ideally monthly or quarterly.

Atlas will not resell any raw data received from public agencies. Atlas may use aggregated versions of the data to serve our customers. For the purposes of sharing and reusing the data (“State EV Registration Database”) posted on this page, please see the license below

Quick Links

State EV Registration Data Dashboard

State EV Registration Database Download

State Last Updated Data Link Data Source/Partner ZIP Code or County Level Update Frequency
Colorado 2/18/2025 CSV Colorado Energy Office ZIP Code Monthly
Connecticut 12/31/2023 CSV Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection ZIP Code Bi-Annually
Maine 10/1/2024 CSV Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles ZIP Code Quarterly
Minnesota 11/1/2024 CSV Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ZIP Code Quarterly
Montana 12/28/2023 CSV Montana Department of Environmental Quality County Annually
New Jersey 6/30/2024 CSV New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection ZIP Code Bi-Annually
New Mexico 2/18/2025 CSV New Mexico Environment Department ZIP Code Monthly
New York 2/18/2025 CSV New York State Department of Motor Vehicles ZIP Code Monthly
North Carolina 6/1/2024 CSV North Carolina Department of Transportation ZIP Code Quarterly
Oregon 2/18/2025 CSV Oregon Department of Transportation ZIP Code Annually
Tennessee 2/18/2025 CSV

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation

County Quarterly
Texas 2/18/2025 CSV Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities ZIP Code Monthly
Vermont 2/18/2025 CSV Vermont Air Quality and Climate Program ZIP Code Quarterly
Virginia 12/31/2023 CSV Virginia Clean Cities County Annually


Data Dictionary

A data dictionary is provided below to assist users working with the downloadable CSV files. Please note that each file contains multiple “snapshots” of vehicle registrations and that an understanding of the DMV snapshot fields is necessary to perform any aggregations of the data.

The name of the state where the vehicle is registered

If available, the 5-digit ZIP Code where the vehicle is registered.

If available, the name of the county where the vehicle is registered.

Date of vehicle registration or date of snapshot if registration date is unavailable.

Vehicle make decoded from registered vehicle VIN number using NHTSA VIN Decoder.

Vehicle Model decoded from registered vehicle VIN number using NHTSA VIN Decoder.

Indicates battery electric vehicle (BEV) versus plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).

See for FHWA weight class category definitions along with mapping to other important GVWR-based regulatory vehicle categorizations.

Light-Duty (Class 1-2A), Medium-Duty Vehicle (Class 2B – 6), Heavy-Duty Vehicle (Class 7 – 8).

Number of vehicles that correspond to the unique combination of all prior fields. Individual records may correspond to more than one vehicle. Aggregations of these data should be weighted by this value.

Date of snapshot from the data provider (usually DMV).

Unique identifier to distinguish DMV snapshots. Index aggregations by this field to create longitudinal data summaries.

Flag TRUE/FALSE indicating latest snapshot. Filter data by TRUE to create subset of most recent registration data.

About the Electric Vehicle Registration Data Format

With the sharing of these data, we have to balance the (potentially competing) needs to make the data accessible, consistent across states, and flexible. States are not consistent in how they can share these data, so we’re not able to make the datasets completely apples-to-apples.

We can sometimes share part of the vehicle identification number (VIN) for an individual registration. In other cases, the state DMV interprets the VINs before sharing the data.

For the EV Hub, we’ll only post the first eight to eleven digits of the VIN to avoid sharing anything that could be considered personably identifiable. The VIN is the most reliable way to make sure you’re interpreting the vehicle registration correctly: is it the conventional version of a vehicle or the electric version? We share part of the VIN data directly along with our VIN decoder, which is a simple table of electric vehicles available in the United States.

Our target audience for the EV Hub are professionals in public policy so we don’t have personally identifiable information like the address of a vehicle. Instead, we aggregate the total number of vehicles by make and model to the ZIP code or county level.

Vehicle registration datasets are typically snapshots in time of the vehicles “on the road” in a state. Thus, we need multiple snapshots to piece together changes in the market over time. We also need the complete VIN in order to determine when the vehicle first entered the state’s market (new or imported from elsewhere). That is, the first time it appears in the database, we consider it an “original” registration and subsequent occurrences of that VIN are treated as a “renewal” registration. If we don’t have the full VIN, then we can’t reliably track metrics like original or renewal registrations unless the DMV shares that information directly.

Regarding time series analyses, we’ll ideally get snapshots of the vehicle registration database frequently enough to be able to understand how the market has changed over time. With each state vehicle registration data file, we include the DMV snapshot date and a unique identifier to make it easier to interpret the data.

Some states aren’t able to share these snapshots frequently or they don’t share the vehicle’s registration date. For states where we don’t know the vehicle registration date, we’ll assign the registration date to the day the snapshot was taken or delivered to us.


This State EV Registration Database is made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: