Electrified transportation addresses both climate change and energy affordability. Not only does it reduce local air pollution and global climate change, it also can lower electric bills for consumers. Previous papers published by the Citizens Utility Board (CUB)—The ABCs of EVs (2017) and Charging Ahead (2019)—have described regulatory considerations and policies to support transportation electrification (TE). These reports show that well-designed electric vehicle (EV) policy aimed at maximizing grid value through system optimization will produce benefits for all consumers, not just those who drive an EV. In this follow-up report we discuss ways to quickly and efficiently bring TE benefits to the communities that need them most. Using Chicago as an example, we examine the problem of air inequality and suggest policies and programs to make TE a key part of the solution.

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Date: July 30, 2020

Countries: United States

States: Illinois