Research Reports

Country Crosswords: Rural Drivers’ Gasoline Use And Benefits Of Switching To EVs


Coltura’s latest report looks at gasoline use in rural America and how we can supercharge the environmental and economic benefits of EV deployment by steering EVs to households that use more gasoline.

Country Crosswords: Rural Drivers’ Gasoline Use And Benefits Of Switching To EVs2024-05-20T15:49:40-04:00

The Road to Clean: How to message electric vehicles in a charged environment


This guide shares a recommended communication platform grounded in affordability, practicality, pollution reduction, and consumer choice. It provides helpful tips on what to say (and what not to say) when striving to connect with real people on the topic of clean vehicles.

The Road to Clean: How to message electric vehicles in a charged environment2024-05-20T16:17:48-04:00

Driving Change: A State Playbook for Equitable Electric School Bus Policy


Driving Change: A State Playbook for Equitable Electric School Bus Policy presents a range of approaches and resources, recognizing the vital role state policymakers play and the need for a coordinated effort both within states and with federal and local decision makers to ensure an effective transition to clean electric school buses.

Driving Change: A State Playbook for Equitable Electric School Bus Policy2024-03-13T12:31:55-04:00

National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program (NEVI) Brief for State Public Utility Commissions


This report provides essential information on NEVI related to state implementation and utility responsibilities along with considerations and potential roles for PUCs.

National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program (NEVI) Brief for State Public Utility Commissions2024-03-26T11:18:53-04:00

Building the Grid to Need: Best Practices for Proactively Developing Distribution Grids to Support Truck and Bus Electrification


The report outlines the challenges of interconnecting charging infrastructure for trucks and buses at scale, and details ten recommendations for lawmakers, utility regulators, and utilities to ensure distribution grids are prepared for this new load.

Building the Grid to Need: Best Practices for Proactively Developing Distribution Grids to Support Truck and Bus Electrification2024-05-21T14:13:21-04:00

CharIN Whitepaper Megawatt Charging System (MCS)


This white paper gives an overview of several technical and non-technical aspects of the Megawatt Charging System (MCS), as discussed within the CharIN Subgroup since 2018. As a descriptive summary, it provides the achievements in preparing general design aspects of an MCS. For further development this document also provides recommended MCS specifications for adoption by Standards Development Organizations (SDOs).

CharIN Whitepaper Megawatt Charging System (MCS)2024-01-23T14:38:29-05:00

Charging Up America: The Growth of United States Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Jobs


This paper projects the number of jobs that will be needed to expand electric light-duty vehicle (LDV) and medium- and heavy-duty vehicle (MHDV) charging infrastructure to meet annual charging needs through 2032. It quantifies the charging needs of a growing electric vehicle fleet that is aligned with newly proposed federal standards, and then projects the number of new jobs needed to deploy the necessary infrastructure.

Charging Up America: The Growth of United States Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Jobs2024-05-21T13:39:38-04:00

Cracking the Gasoline Code


Coltura's new report provides new gasoline consumption data showing how to cut vehicle emissions more quickly, efficiently, and equitably by prioritizing the light duty vehicle drivers in the top 10% for gasoline use (“Superusers”) for the switch to EVs.

Cracking the Gasoline Code2024-05-21T13:28:03-04:00