Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electrification: Weighing the Opportunities and Barriers to Zero-Emission Fleets
Noah Gabriel2022-03-10T19:44:35-05:00Report showcasing the benefits of MHDEVs as well as potential barriers to adoption.
Report showcasing the benefits of MHDEVs as well as potential barriers to adoption.
Report seeking to estimate the number of ZETs in the US over-time.
Roadmap for vehicle manufacturers aiming to remain competitive in the changing auto and truck industry providing concrete proof of robust demand for zero emission vehicles.
The Run on Less – Electric demonstration demonstrated that for four market segments — vans and step vans, medium-duty box trucks, terminal tractors, and heavy-duty regional haul tractors — the technology is mature enough for fleets to be making investments in production CBEVs. Continuous improvement is expected to be rapid as these technologies gain market share. The environmental benefit of reduced CO2 and particulate emissions is significant for replacing traditional diesel and gasoline-based vehicles.
Research paper discussing GHG-reducing subsidies.
Use this tool from the DOE to search for policies and incentives related to batteries developed for electric vehicles and stationary energy storage.
A guide to help business owners make strategic decisions for the installation and operation of charging infrastructure.
An overview of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) standards and a regulatory framework for implementing the technology.
An analysis of factors that influence vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for California plug-in electric vehicle owners.
Report displaying adoption of electric school buses in the US, with a detailed break-down in California by county.