United States

Clean Mobility Equity: A Playbook


This report reviews California’s clean mobility equity programs, noting successes, pitfalls and areas for improvement. It serves as both a guide for California as we continue evolving our clean mobility programs to more meaningfully center equity and as a guide for other states and the federal government as they move to develop and implement clean transportation equity programs.

Clean Mobility Equity: A Playbook2021-03-31T13:13:55-04:00

Why Regional and Long-Haul Trucks are Primed for Electrification Now


This report analyzes the current capabilities and total cost of ownership for zero-emission freight trucks and finds that electric trucks appear poised to meet the performance demands for a large share of regional and long-haul trucking today.

Why Regional and Long-Haul Trucks are Primed for Electrification Now2021-04-09T17:30:41-04:00

Clean Buses for New York Kids


Jobs to Move America (JMA) unveiled a new report about electric school bus technology and deployment, including policy recommendations for how New York can use a transition to electric school bus fleets to improve air quality for children while building a just recovery for working families.

Clean Buses for New York Kids2021-04-07T12:50:27-04:00

Federal Support for EV Charging


This fact sheet focuses on barriers to charging infrastructure deployment for consumers whose mobility needs are best served by a personal or shared motor vehicles and federal policies to address those barriers. Those policies constitute part of a broad agenda to increase access to all modes of clean personal mobility and goods movement.

Federal Support for EV Charging2021-03-10T12:01:13-05:00

Electric Utility Filing Bi-Annual Update


Since 2012, utility commissions across the country have approved more than $2.6 billion in transportation electrification investments [1]. $1.2 billion, almost half of the all-time total, was approved in 2020 alone. This report elaborates on the trends in transportation electrification programs from investor-owned utilities (IOU) in 2020 and was supported by the Natural Resources Defense Council. 

Electric Utility Filing Bi-Annual Update2021-03-10T14:15:44-05:00

When Might Lower-Income Drivers Benefit from Electric Vehicles? Quantifying the Economic Equity Implications of Electric Vehicle Adoption


This analysis finds that cost reductions in new electric vehicles (EVs) will lead to decreased used EV prices and cost parity with used gasoline vehicles for low-income households in the 2025-2030 time period.

When Might Lower-Income Drivers Benefit from Electric Vehicles? Quantifying the Economic Equity Implications of Electric Vehicle Adoption2021-03-10T12:58:50-05:00