United States

Making the Invisible Visible: Shining a Light on Warehouse Truck Air Pollution


This paper demonstrates who is at risk from diesel trucks serving warehouses. It summarizes the new science about health impacts from air pollution generated by these trucks, and it also points to available solutions that can protect community health.

Making the Invisible Visible: Shining a Light on Warehouse Truck Air Pollution2023-07-05T16:54:22-04:00

Randomized design evidence of the attendance benefits of the EPA School Bus Rebate Program


Approximately 25 million children ride buses to school in the United States. While school buses are the safest school transport from an accident perspective, older buses often expose students to high levels of diesel exhaust. Because these exposures can adversely impact health, which may lead to more missed school, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has spent millions of dollars to hasten the transition of school bus fleets to cleaner vehicles. Here, we leveraged the randomized allocation of the EPA’s 2012–2017 School Bus Rebate Program funding to causally assess the district attendance impacts of upgrading buses. Districts randomly selected for funding had greater attendance improvements after the lottery than unselected districts, resulting in over 350,000 estimated additional student days of attendance each year (95% confidence interval = −70,678 to 772,865) due to the use of EPA funds.

Randomized design evidence of the attendance benefits of the EPA School Bus Rebate Program2023-05-31T17:46:57-04:00

U.S. Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Investments and Jobs: Characterizing the Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act after 6 Months


This report summarizes the significant investments in the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem that have been announced over the past 8 years. This includes announced investments in EV, EV battery, and battery component manufacturing.

U.S. Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Investments and Jobs: Characterizing the Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act after 6 Months2023-03-28T10:36:39-04:00

Managed Charging Programs: Maximizing Customer Satisfaction and Grid Benefits


This research report conducted by the Smart Electric Power Alliance explores what success looks like for managed charging and load management programs and proposes strategies programs can use to increase customer engagement.

Managed Charging Programs: Maximizing Customer Satisfaction and Grid Benefits2023-03-30T11:58:21-04:00

Zeroing in on ZEBs


This report provides an updated inventory of adopted zero-emission buses (ZEBs)—defined as Class 3 and above battery-electric or fuel cell electric transit buses—that have been funded, ordered, and/or delivered within the United States and Canada, according to data collected through September 2022.

Zeroing in on ZEBs2023-02-27T12:58:36-05:00

Analyzing the Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on Electric Vehicle Uptake in the United States


This study conducted by the International Council of Clean Transportation assesses the future impact of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) on electrification rates for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicle sales in the United States through 2035.

Analyzing the Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on Electric Vehicle Uptake in the United States2023-03-17T11:25:07-04:00

The U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization: A Joint Strategy to Transform Transportation


The "U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization" is a landmark interagency framework of strategies and actions to remove all emissions from the transportation sector by 2050.

The U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization: A Joint Strategy to Transform Transportation2023-03-17T10:50:53-04:00