Public Incentives & Policies

Ride-Hailing’s Climate Risks


Ride-hailing trips today result in an estimated 69 percent more climate pollution on average than the trips they displace. Fortunately, the industry can implement several strategies to address the negative impacts of ride-hailing and contribute to a low-carbon transportation future.

Ride-Hailing’s Climate Risks2020-02-27T15:16:03-05:00

Investment in Public EV Charging in the United States


This brief provides an overview of the historical and current state of government, private sector, and electric utility investment in publicly available charging infrastructure in the United States. With increasing funding available from both the electric utility and government sectors, charging service providers and related stakeholders have a significant, near-term opportunity to grow the public EV charging network in the United States and reduce the dependency on government subsidization over time.

Investment in Public EV Charging in the United States2021-05-31T16:20:06-04:00

Roadmap for Electric Transportation


This legislative kit includes policy guide providing legislators and their staff members an overview of electric vehicle issues and options. It also includes a review of model legislation and a fact sheet outlining the benefits of electric vehicle legislation and describes four areas where states can take action.

Roadmap for Electric Transportation2020-06-18T14:41:39-04:00

Public and Electric Utility Support for Electric Buses and Trucks


This report provides an overview of public and utility funding for three major categories of medium- and heavy duty EVs: transit buses, school buses, and trucks. It builds on recent reports covering the market in California and finds that the business case for investing in electric buses and trucks is improving and electric models already have lower lifetime costs than conventional models in some cases. 

Public and Electric Utility Support for Electric Buses and Trucks2024-03-04T18:41:39-05:00

Comparison of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Technologies in California


This report presents the results of a comprehensive study to compare the emission, cost, and economic and jobs impacts of alternative technologies for the MD and HD transportation sector. The analysis was conducted to better understand the type and pace of alternative vehicle technology and fuel implementation required for California to achieve its public health goals.

Comparison of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Technologies in California2021-05-11T09:03:36-04:00

Adoption of Electric Trucks in Freight Transportation


Transportation sector is the largest contributor of global greenhouse gas emissions in the USA. Disruptive technological changes in this sector, such as alternative fuel vehicles, are crucial for emission reduction. This report analyzes how a cost-minimizing strategic transition plan can be developed for a transportation firm that aims to adopt electric trucks in their fully diesel fleet, over time.

Adoption of Electric Trucks in Freight Transportation2020-01-30T15:01:44-05:00