The EV Hub is constantly adding new data and tools to enhance the user experience and track these dynamic issues across the sector. As part of this effort, Atlas publishes data stories on our website to highlight our team’s key insights. These stories are often inspired by media coverage and lean heavily on data from EV Hub dashboards and key external resources. 

  • July 10, 2020

    A previous version of this story said that Texas had not awarded any VW settlement funding to EVs. The state has made one award to electric school buses that was made in April 2020. We regret the error. The coronavirus pandemic threw the global economy into a tailspin in early 2020 as supply chains [...]

  • January 13, 2020

    Engagement from electric utilities in transportation electrification is on the rise and approved investment now totals almost $1.4 billion, 80 percent of which has occurred in the last two years. The ratio of approved elements of programs (filings) on the EV Hub Utility Filings Dashboard reveals a “batting average.” Cumulatively, utilities are batting 0.771, [...]

  • December 2, 2019

    Electric utilities have the opportunity to act as leaders in the effort to expand transportation electrification in underserved communities. These communities are an important focus for utilities because they often face disproportionate harm from transportation emissions and utilities as companies that serve the public are well positioned to ensure all segments of society benefit [...]

  • October 7, 2019

    Correction: An earlier version of this data story stated that Michigan announced that it will dedicate $13 million of VW Settlement funds to electric school buses. This has been corrected to reflect that Michigan announced it will dedicate $4.2 million of VW Settlement funds to electric school buses.   School is back in session [...]

  • August 25, 2019

    Market forecasters are predicting substantial growth in number of EVs on roads globally by 2040. Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates that EVs will account for more than 50 percent of global sales by 2040. In the United States, the U.S. Energy Information Administration predicts that EVs will make up more than eight percent of [...]

  • July 11, 2019

    Public policies and programs aimed at expanding electric mobility options in disadvantaged communities (DACs) are gaining more attention as transportation equity enters the mainstream at major industry convenings, such as this year’s Roadmap, an annual gathering of policy leaders working to advance transportation electrification. In Oregon where the conference is held, policymakers are encouraging [...]

  • June 13, 2019

    TriMet in Portland rolled out the nation’s first wind-powered transit bus in April. Working with Portland General Electric (PGE), the transit agency will pay $228 per month for bundled renewable energy credits to ensure that the buses run on clean energy. This allows TriMet to take advantage of PGE’s Clean Wind program, which supports [...]

  • May 9, 2019

    Switching to EVs could save drivers for transportation network companies (TNC) like Uber and Lyft thousands. The potential for extra money in their pockets would alleviate pressure as international protests against companies like Uber are picking up steam. Some studies suggest that the average TNC driver makes less than $10 an hour after expenses [...]

  • April 10, 2019

    Electric utilities are looking to fill in the electric vehicle infrastructure gaps faced by cities across the country. Investor-owned utilities have already been approved to invest over $1 billion in programs to support the growing EV charging market according to data we’ve collected for the Electric Utility Filings Dashboard. These utilities are not operating [...]

  • February 12, 2019

    Cities can save their constituents who use a car to get to work upwards of $200 per year by switching to an EV. These savings could spur spending and stimulate economic growth by keeping more money in a city’s economy. A key driver of consumer interest in EVs has been the potential to save [...]

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