As we charge into 2023, we are now seeing National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program funding starting to roll out of the door. With our NEVI Dashboard, we have been keeping a close eye on requests state agencies have been releasing to solicit charging projects and offer funding awards to vendors, including Requests for Information (RFI), Requests for Proposals (RFP), and public comment requests. See below for the current list of active requests in order of due date. (Note that requests without due dates were assigned a deadline one month from entry).
Maryland: Maryland NEVI Request for Information (RFI): EVSE End to End Data Collection and Data Reporting Solution – Due Date: 2/13/2023
This RFI is to solicit feedback and recommendations for a future RFP for the development of electric vehicle charging networks within Maryland. Information gathered through public comment will inform decisions on whether and how to proceed with an end-to-end data-collection to data-reporting solution. The intended purpose of the RFI is to gather information to educate the State on Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) and electric vehicle infrastructure deployment data, data-reporting, software, network, communications, and cyber-security needs.
Colorado: CDOTand CEO – DCFC Plazas Program Partnering List – Due Date: 2/17/2023
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) will be working with partners and stakeholders to implement the state’s NEVI Infrastructure Deployment Plan. CDOT encourages applicants to prioritize installing charging infrastructure in charging gaps close to amenities, and particularly in disproportionately impacted (DI) communities, where feasible. As such, this partnering list is created for potential applicants, host communities, and other interested stakeholders to indicate their interest in installing a charger(s) in their communities and for charging providers to explore potential partnerships.
Arkansas: EVSE Industry Survey – Arkansas’ NEVI Compliant EVSE Charging Gaps – Due Date 2/17/2023
Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) is developing a competitive grant program to administer the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program in Arkansas to build compliant EVSE stations and is seeking information from the EVSE Industry. Arkansas must fully build out NEVI compliant EVSE stations every 50-miles on its Interstates and Alternative Fuel Corridors. There are 11 gaps (four gaps over 50 miles with sub-segments marked A & B) that must have EVSE stations built in compliance with the NEVI Program as illustrated on the Arkansas’ NEVI Compliant EVSE Charging Gaps map. Feedback to this survey is critical in helping ARDOT identify challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the Arkansans NEVI program.
Iowa: IowaDOT Industry Survey for EV Charging – Due Date 2/28/2023
This industry survey is being issued by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) to solicit feedback and recommendations for the deployment of electric vehicle charging stations along interstate corridors in Iowa. Responses from this industry survey will be used to inform a new grant program for Iowa DOT to distribute NEVI formula funds. Iowa DOT is seeking responses from stakeholders who may be applying for this grant funding, partnering with potential applicants and/or have expertise in developing electric vehicle charging stations. A response to this industry survey does not constitute a request for funding.
Utah: Draft Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Grant Program – Due Date TBD
UDOT is implementing the initial phase of the NEVI plan via a matching grant program. UDOT is seeking applicants that will install, own, operate, and maintain NEVI sites. Applicants must use the awarded grant funds for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of the approved Utah NEVI Plan.
Michigan: EV Infrastructure Project Partners Form – Due Date 3/12/2023
This form will help build out the EV Infrastructure Project Partners Directory. The Directory is a list of organizations with stated services and needs that interested parties can utilize to make partner connections for electric vehicle charging station projects.
Oregon: Oregon’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Phase 1: Open House – Due Date 3/12/2023
This online open house provides an overview of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program and requests feedback to help inform the work in Oregon, particularly offering surveys for the I-5, I-205 and U.S. 97 routes.
Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State National Electrical Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) – Due Date 4/6/2023
The purpose of this notice is to solicit applications for PennDOT National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula grants. Funds for the federal fiscal years (FFY) 2022 and 2023 PA NEVI grant program are to be awarded on a competitive basis to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) sites across Pennsylvania. Under the formula, Pennsylvania will receive $171.5 million over five years to create an EV charging network across the state. The first two years of program funding, totaling $61.9 million, has been funded by FHWA and is currently available for the Pennsylvania NEVI grant program.
Explore the full NEVI dashboard. Have we missed any requests? Get in touch by replying to this email!
Source: EV Hub
As we charge into 2023, we are now seeing National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program funding starting to roll out of the door. With our NEVI Dashboard, we have been keeping a close eye on requests state agencies have been releasing to solicit charging projects and offer funding awards to vendors, including Requests for Information (RFI), Requests for Proposals (RFP), and public comment requests. See below for the current list of active requests in order of due date. (Note that requests without due dates were assigned a deadline one month from entry).
Maryland: Maryland NEVI Request for Information (RFI): EVSE End to End Data Collection and Data Reporting Solution – Due Date: 2/13/2023
This RFI is to solicit feedback and recommendations for a future RFP for the development of electric vehicle charging networks within Maryland. Information gathered through public comment will inform decisions on whether and how to proceed with an end-to-end data-collection to data-reporting solution. The intended purpose of the RFI is to gather information to educate the State on Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) and electric vehicle infrastructure deployment data, data-reporting, software, network, communications, and cyber-security needs.
Colorado: CDOTand CEO – DCFC Plazas Program Partnering List – Due Date: 2/17/2023
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) will be working with partners and stakeholders to implement the state’s NEVI Infrastructure Deployment Plan. CDOT encourages applicants to prioritize installing charging infrastructure in charging gaps close to amenities, and particularly in disproportionately impacted (DI) communities, where feasible. As such, this partnering list is created for potential applicants, host communities, and other interested stakeholders to indicate their interest in installing a charger(s) in their communities and for charging providers to explore potential partnerships.
Arkansas: EVSE Industry Survey – Arkansas’ NEVI Compliant EVSE Charging Gaps – Due Date 2/17/2023
Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) is developing a competitive grant program to administer the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program in Arkansas to build compliant EVSE stations and is seeking information from the EVSE Industry. Arkansas must fully build out NEVI compliant EVSE stations every 50-miles on its Interstates and Alternative Fuel Corridors. There are 11 gaps (four gaps over 50 miles with sub-segments marked A & B) that must have EVSE stations built in compliance with the NEVI Program as illustrated on the Arkansas’ NEVI Compliant EVSE Charging Gaps map. Feedback to this survey is critical in helping ARDOT identify challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the Arkansans NEVI program.
Iowa: IowaDOT Industry Survey for EV Charging – Due Date 2/28/2023
This industry survey is being issued by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) to solicit feedback and recommendations for the deployment of electric vehicle charging stations along interstate corridors in Iowa. Responses from this industry survey will be used to inform a new grant program for Iowa DOT to distribute NEVI formula funds. Iowa DOT is seeking responses from stakeholders who may be applying for this grant funding, partnering with potential applicants and/or have expertise in developing electric vehicle charging stations. A response to this industry survey does not constitute a request for funding.
Utah: Draft Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Grant Program – Due Date TBD
UDOT is implementing the initial phase of the NEVI plan via a matching grant program. UDOT is seeking applicants that will install, own, operate, and maintain NEVI sites. Applicants must use the awarded grant funds for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of the approved Utah NEVI Plan.
Michigan: EV Infrastructure Project Partners Form – Due Date 3/12/2023
This form will help build out the EV Infrastructure Project Partners Directory. The Directory is a list of organizations with stated services and needs that interested parties can utilize to make partner connections for electric vehicle charging station projects.
Oregon: Oregon’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Phase 1: Open House – Due Date 3/12/2023
This online open house provides an overview of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program and requests feedback to help inform the work in Oregon, particularly offering surveys for the I-5, I-205 and U.S. 97 routes.
Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State National Electrical Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) – Due Date 4/6/2023
The purpose of this notice is to solicit applications for PennDOT National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula grants. Funds for the federal fiscal years (FFY) 2022 and 2023 PA NEVI grant program are to be awarded on a competitive basis to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) sites across Pennsylvania. Under the formula, Pennsylvania will receive $171.5 million over five years to create an EV charging network across the state. The first two years of program funding, totaling $61.9 million, has been funded by FHWA and is currently available for the Pennsylvania NEVI grant program.
Explore the full NEVI dashboard. Have we missed any requests? Get in touch by replying to this email!
About the author: Moe Khatib
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